Azmeerni action ayat

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Exams comming in 2 weeks time

Exams da nk dtg tk lme lgi. 2 minggu jerr tinggal pastu exams. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal! Daaa lah ti cikgu bgi plak kerja rmh. Mne sempat nk ulangkji kouuuut? Pastu2 sbelum exams tu plak cikgu de bgi off skolah dlm satu hri. Lahhh, hari ahad jew. Mnew cukuppp. 3 hari kew? sebulan kew? haha. <------- melebih pulaak sesmpai nk sebulan. you can tell "akuuuu nak utiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" =) baaal2, tpi tk perr lah daa abis examas tu pun xper ;) abis exams, trip,party and thennn, something yg aku lme2 tunggu adalaaahhhh 


tk sbarr lah nk blikk rmh nnti jumpe kazen2 and kwn lame kt Malaysiaa nnti =)