Azmeerni action ayat

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Saturday, May 21, 2011


Soalaan pertame pun akuu xleyhh jawaab?! PERRHHH lahhh. Aku daa bek2 revise pastu pastuuuuu asl lak xleyhh jawab soalaaan no.1 tuuuu? Hadehhhhh, otakkk akuu ni daaa on ke blomm niii...
BHAHAHAHA, laauu cm tuu..akuuu skip jerr arr soalaan tu ke no.2..hihihihi :D saaat tu lahhh kaau sengal bilaaa kaau bkak kertas exaamm and theen time kaau tgk and bce soaalan pertaamee, ape yg dpt? kaauu tk leyhhh jawabb. hatoiiiii...